• Imparting training on different types
    of farm equipments

  • Certification of Farm Implants for
    commercialisation purpose

  • Imparting training on different types
    of farm equipments

  • Imparting training on different types
    of farm equipments


Impart education in agriculture, community science and agri-business management.

Propogate agro-technology to the ned users especially farmeres and farm women.

Conduct training programmes relevance to the need and carry out need based research.

Provide to cater the manpower requirement of various goverment, private agencies etc.


To increase efficiency in utilization of natural resources including energy and reduce human drudgery, farm implements have been invented to enchance on-farm productivity. Taking cue, a number of manufactures are involved in the fabrication of agricultural implements in the region However, their competence in the field can be assessed and appraised of only through precise, methodical and technical testing and evaluation for prototype development for mass scale production and utilization. further, certification of the same for validation and authentication is also a must for commercilization. With this is view, under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana a FIMTTC was sanctioned to the university in 2011. The establishment of this center at Bikaner improved the quality of manufacturing as per the standards of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). The center also awarded ISO90001:2015 certification in the year 2016.


# Item Testing Charges (D) Total (D)
1 Components 28,257.00 28,257.00
2 Hand Tools 28,257.00 28,257.00
3 Power operated Thresher, Decorticator, Sheller, Winnowers etc. 112,937.00 112,937.00
4 Animal drawn equpments 60,240.00 60,240.00
5 Tractor drawn/ operated / implemented / eqipments 191,998.00 191,998.00
6 Manually operated equipments 54,587.00 54,587.00
7 Power Tiller driven/self propelled reaper 112,937.00 112,937.00
8 Tractor Drawn/Operated Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill/Planter, Straw Reaper, Mini Rice Mill, Power Seed Cleaner/Grader, Super Seeder 201,397.00 201,397.00
9 Animal drawn multi tool bar (Minimum four attachments) 159,975.00 159,975.00
10 Power operated multi-crops thresher (Two or more crops) 207,054.00 207,054.00
  • IC Engines with Kerosene/LPG
  • Pumpset (Engine + Pump) with Kerosene/LPG
  • Pumpset without engine
  • Knapsack Sprayer IS:3906
  • Power Sprayer IS:2548
  • 51,985.00
  • 99,010.00
  • 47,026.00
  • 64,573.00
  • 169,543.00
  • 51,985.00
  • 99,010.00
  • 47,026.00
  • 64,573.00
  • 169,543.00

Help farmers in determining the comparative
performance of farm machinery
available in the market.

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